The LPI is an interactive benchmarking tool created to help countries identify the challenges and opportunities they face in their performance on trade logistics and what they can do to improve their performance. The LPI 2023 allows for comparisons across 139 countries.

The countries are color-coded based on their performance on the LPI index. To see the map full screen, please find the button in the upper left corner.

Disclaimer: Country borders or names do not necessarily reflect the World Bank Groups official position. This map is for illustrative purposes and does not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the World Bank, concerning the legal status of any country or territory or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries.

Global Ranking 2023

Country Year LPI Rank LPI Score Customs Rank Customs Score Infrastructure Rank Infrastructure Score International shipments Rank International shipments Score Logistics competence Rank Logistics competence Score Tracking & tracing Rank Tracking & tracing Score Timeliness Rank Timeliness Score
Afghanistan 2023 138 1.9 120 2.1 138 1.7 138 1.8 135 2 139 1.6 133 2.3
Albania 2023 97 2.5 90 2.4 68 2.7 75 2.8 119 2.3 117 2.3 124 2.5
Algeria 2023 97 2.5 101 2.3 125 2.1 57 3 126 2.2 98 2.5 116 2.6
Angola 2023 134 2.1 137 1.7 125 2.1 111 2.4 119 2.3 117 2.3 138 2.1
Antigua and Barbuda 2023 66 2.9 110 2.2 68 2.7 68 2.9 65 2.9 54 3.2 55 3.4
Argentina 2023 73 2.8 65 2.7 63 2.8 85 2.7 81 2.7 72 2.9 76 3.1
Armenia 2023 97 2.5 84 2.5 76 2.6 128 2.2 92 2.6 117 2.3 109 2.7
Australia 2023 19 3.7 14 3.7 9 4.1 47 3.1 14 3.9 11 4.1 35 3.6
Austria 2023 7 4 14 3.7 16 3.9 4 3.8 11 4 3 4.2 1 4.3
Bahamas, The 2023 79 2.7 65 2.7 80 2.5 47 3.1 103 2.5 94 2.6 87 3
Bahrain 2023 34 3.5 31 3.3 30 3.6 47 3.1 46 3.3 41 3.4 10 4.1
Bangladesh 2023 88 2.6 101 2.3 108 2.3 91 2.6 81 2.7 105 2.4 87 3
Belarus 2023 79 2.7 74 2.6 68 2.7 91 2.6 92 2.6 94 2.6 76 3.1
Belgium 2023 7 4 7 3.9 9 4.1 4 3.8 3 4.2 16 4 4 4.2
Benin 2023 66 2.9 65 2.7 80 2.5 68 2.9 61 3 54 3.2 109 2.7
Bhutan 2023 97 2.5 65 2.7 118 2.2 121 2.3 92 2.6 117 2.3 116 2.6
Bolivia 2023 115 2.4 120 2.1 89 2.4 102 2.5 110 2.4 98 2.5 129 2.4
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2023 61 3 65 2.7 76 2.6 47 3.1 65 2.9 54 3.2 65 3.2
Botswana 2023 57 3.1 47 3 52 3.1 57 3 42 3.4 65 3 59 3.3
Brazil 2023 51 3.2 56 2.9 47 3.2 68 2.9 46 3.3 54 3.2 46 3.5
Bulgaria 2023 51 3.2 43 3.1 52 3.1 57 3 46 3.3 49 3.3 46 3.5
Burkina Faso 2023 123 2.3 129 2 108 2.3 111 2.4 110 2.4 129 2.2 129 2.4
Cambodia 2023 115 2.4 110 2.2 125 2.1 121 2.3 110 2.4 80 2.8 109 2.7
Cameroon 2023 134 2.1 120 2.1 125 2.1 128 2.2 133 2.1 136 1.8 138 2.1
Canada 2023 7 4 4 4 3 4.3 14 3.6 3 4.2 11 4.1 10 4.1
Central African Republic 2023 97 2.5 90 2.4 76 2.6 132 2.1 65 2.9 105 2.4 116 2.6
Chile 2023 61 3 47 3 63 2.8 85 2.7 57 3.1 65 3 65 3.2
China 2023 19 3.7 31 3.3 14 4 14 3.6 20 3.8 23 3.8 30 3.7
Colombia 2023 66 2.9 84 2.5 59 2.9 57 3 57 3.1 62 3.1 65 3.2
Congo, Dem. Rep. 2023 97 2.5 101 2.3 108 2.3 102 2.5 110 2.4 98 2.5 101 2.8
Congo, Rep. 2023 88 2.6 101 2.3 125 2.1 91 2.6 65 2.9 87 2.7 93 2.9
Costa Rica 2023 66 2.9 59 2.8 68 2.7 75 2.8 65 2.9 72 2.9 65 3.2
Croatia 2023 43 3.3 47 3 55 3 14 3.6 42 3.4 41 3.4 65 3.2
Cuba 2023 132 2.2 129 2 118 2.2 132 2.1 126 2.2 105 2.4 116 2.6
Cyprus 2023 51 3.2 56 2.9 63 2.8 47 3.1 53 3.2 41 3.4 46 3.5
Czech Republic 2023 43 3.3 47 3 55 3 26 3.4 33 3.6 54 3.2 30 3.7
Denmark 2023 3 4.1 2 4.1 9 4.1 14 3.6 9 4.1 2 4.3 10 4.1
Djibouti 2023 79 2.7 74 2.6 108 2.3 102 2.5 76 2.8 87 2.7 35 3.6
Dominican Republic 2023 88 2.6 74 2.6 68 2.7 111 2.4 92 2.6 105 2.4 76 3.1
Egypt, Arab Rep. 2023 57 3.1 59 2.8 55 3 43 3.2 65 2.9 72 2.9 35 3.6
El Salvador 2023 79 2.7 90 2.4 118 2.2 91 2.6 81 2.7 72 2.9 65 3.2
Estonia 2023 26 3.6 37 3.2 39 3.5 26 3.4 28 3.7 23 3.8 10 4.1
Fiji 2023 123 2.3 101 2.3 118 2.2 121 2.3 119 2.3 129 2.2 133 2.3
Finland 2023 2 4.2 4 4 5 4.2 1 4.1 3 4.2 3 4.2 1 4.3
France 2023 13 3.9 14 3.7 19 3.8 8 3.7 20 3.8 16 4 10 4.1
Gabon 2023 115 2.4 129 2 118 2.2 91 2.6 135 2 98 2.5 87 3
Gambia, The 2023 123 2.3 135 1.8 108 2.3 91 2.6 119 2.3 105 2.4 116 2.6
Georgia 2023 79 2.7 74 2.6 108 2.3 85 2.7 92 2.6 80 2.8 76 3.1
Germany 2023 3 4.1 7 3.9 3 4.3 8 3.7 3 4.2 3 4.2 10 4.1
Ghana 2023 97 2.5 65 2.7 89 2.4 111 2.4 103 2.5 129 2.2 109 2.7
Greece 2023 19 3.7 37 3.2 25 3.7 4 3.8 20 3.8 20 3.9 21 3.9
Grenada 2023 97 2.5 74 2.6 80 2.5 91 2.6 126 2.2 117 2.3 76 3.1
Guatemala 2023 88 2.6 101 2.3 89 2.4 75 2.8 81 2.7 87 2.7 116 2.6
Guinea 2023 97 2.5 90 2.4 89 2.4 128 2.2 81 2.7 87 2.7 124 2.5
Guinea-Bissau 2023 88 2.6 65 2.7 89 2.4 68 2.9 65 2.9 117 2.3 129 2.4
Guyana 2023 115 2.4 101 2.3 89 2.4 132 2.1 92 2.6 129 2.2 116 2.6
Haiti 2023 134 2.1 120 2.1 136 1.8 121 2.3 135 2 133 2.1 124 2.5
Honduras 2023 66 2.9 59 2.8 68 2.7 57 3 81 2.7 94 2.6 65 3.2
Hong Kong SAR, China 2023 7 4 12 3.8 14 4 2 4 11 4 3 4.2 10 4.1
Hungary 2023 51 3.2 65 2.7 52 3.1 26 3.4 57 3.1 41 3.4 35 3.6
Iceland 2023 26 3.6 14 3.7 30 3.6 38 3.3 38 3.5 29 3.7 35 3.6
India 2023 38 3.4 47 3 47 3.2 22 3.5 38 3.5 41 3.4 35 3.6
Indonesia 2023 61 3 59 2.8 59 2.9 57 3 65 2.9 65 3 59 3.3
Iran, Islamic Rep. 2023 123 2.3 110 2.2 89 2.4 111 2.4 133 2.1 105 2.4 109 2.7
Iraq 2023 115 2.4 120 2.1 118 2.2 102 2.5 126 2.2 105 2.4 87 3
Ireland 2023 26 3.6 24 3.4 39 3.5 14 3.6 33 3.6 29 3.7 30 3.7
Israel 2023 26 3.6 24 3.4 25 3.7 22 3.5 20 3.8 29 3.7 25 3.8
Italy 2023 19 3.7 24 3.4 19 3.8 26 3.4 20 3.8 20 3.9 21 3.9
Jamaica 2023 97 2.5 110 2.2 89 2.4 111 2.4 103 2.5 80 2.8 93 2.9
Japan 2023 13 3.9 7 3.9 5 4.2 38 3.3 9 4.1 16 4 17 4
Kazakhstan 2023 79 2.7 74 2.6 80 2.5 91 2.6 81 2.7 80 2.8 93 2.9
Korea, Rep. 2023 17 3.8 7 3.9 9 4.1 26 3.4 20 3.8 23 3.8 25 3.8
Kuwait 2023 51 3.2 37 3.2 30 3.6 43 3.2 65 2.9 49 3.3 101 2.8
Kyrgyz Republic 2023 123 2.3 110 2.2 89 2.4 111 2.4 126 2.2 117 2.3 129 2.4
Lao PDR 2023 115 2.4 101 2.3 108 2.3 121 2.3 110 2.4 105 2.4 101 2.8
Latvia 2023 34 3.5 31 3.3 44 3.3 43 3.2 28 3.7 34 3.6 17 4
Liberia 2023 115 2.4 120 2.1 89 2.4 75 2.8 110 2.4 105 2.4 133 2.3
Libya 2023 138 1.9 133 1.9 138 1.7 135 2 138 1.9 136 1.8 137 2.2
Lithuania 2023 38 3.4 37 3.2 39 3.5 26 3.4 33 3.6 62 3.1 35 3.6
Luxembourg 2023 26 3.6 20 3.6 30 3.6 14 3.6 14 3.9 37 3.5 46 3.5
North Macedonia 2023 57 3.1 43 3.1 55 3 75 2.8 53 3.2 54 3.2 46 3.5
Madagascar 2023 123 2.3 135 1.8 136 1.8 68 2.9 126 2.2 134 2 116 2.6
Malaysia 2023 26 3.6 31 3.3 30 3.6 8 3.7 28 3.7 29 3.7 30 3.7
Mali 2023 88 2.6 74 2.6 130 2 91 2.6 103 2.5 87 2.7 76 3.1
Malta 2023 43 3.3 24 3.4 25 3.7 57 3 42 3.4 41 3.4 65 3.2
Mauritania 2023 123 2.3 120 2.1 130 2 128 2.2 103 2.5 98 2.5 101 2.8
Mauritius 2023 97 2.5 90 2.4 80 2.5 137 1.9 103 2.5 72 2.9 76 3.1
Mexico 2023 66 2.9 84 2.5 63 2.8 75 2.8 61 3 62 3.1 46 3.5
Moldova 2023 97 2.5 133 1.9 132 1.9 85 2.7 76 2.8 80 2.8 87 3
Mongolia 2023 97 2.5 84 2.5 108 2.3 102 2.5 119 2.3 105 2.4 109 2.7
Montenegro 2023 73 2.8 74 2.6 80 2.5 75 2.8 76 2.8 54 3.2 65 3.2
Namibia 2023 66 2.9 59 2.8 63 2.8 57 3 65 2.9 80 2.8 93 2.9
Netherlands 2023 3 4.1 7 3.9 5 4.2 8 3.7 3 4.2 3 4.2 17 4
New Zealand 2023 26 3.6 24 3.4 19 3.8 43 3.2 28 3.7 23 3.8 25 3.8
Nicaragua 2023 97 2.5 129 2 132 1.9 75 2.8 76 2.8 105 2.4 93 2.9
Nigeria 2023 88 2.6 90 2.4 89 2.4 102 2.5 119 2.3 87 2.7 76 3.1
Norway 2023 19 3.7 12 3.8 16 3.9 57 3 20 3.8 29 3.7 17 4
Oman 2023 43 3.3 47 3 47 3.2 26 3.4 53 3.2 20 3.9 76 3.1
Panama 2023 57 3.1 47 3 44 3.3 47 3.1 61 3 72 2.9 55 3.4
Papua New Guinea 2023 79 2.7 90 2.4 89 2.4 91 2.6 81 2.7 65 3 59 3.3
Paraguay 2023 79 2.7 90 2.4 80 2.5 85 2.7 92 2.6 80 2.8 87 3
Peru 2023 61 3 74 2.6 80 2.5 47 3.1 81 2.7 41 3.4 55 3.4
Philippines 2023 43 3.3 59 2.8 47 3.2 47 3.1 46 3.3 49 3.3 21 3.9
Poland 2023 26 3.6 24 3.4 39 3.5 38 3.3 33 3.6 23 3.8 21 3.9
Portugal 2023 38 3.4 37 3.2 30 3.6 47 3.1 33 3.6 54 3.2 35 3.6
Qatar 2023 34 3.5 43 3.1 19 3.8 47 3.1 14 3.9 34 3.6 46 3.5
Romania 2023 51 3.2 65 2.7 59 2.9 26 3.4 46 3.3 37 3.5 35 3.6
Russian Federation 2023 88 2.6 90 2.4 68 2.7 121 2.3 92 2.6 98 2.5 93 2.9
Rwanda 2023 73 2.8 84 2.5 59 2.9 111 2.4 61 3 65 3 76 3.1
Saudi Arabia 2023 38 3.4 47 3 30 3.6 38 3.3 46 3.3 37 3.5 35 3.6
Serbia 2023 73 2.8 110 2.2 89 2.4 68 2.9 81 2.7 72 2.9 55 3.4
Singapore 2023 1 4.3 1 4.2 1 4.6 2 4 1 4.4 1 4.4 1 4.3
Slovak Republic 2023 43 3.3 37 3.2 44 3.3 57 3 42 3.4 49 3.3 46 3.5
Slovenia 2023 43 3.3 24 3.4 30 3.6 26 3.4 46 3.3 65 3 59 3.3
Solomon Islands 2023 73 2.8 90 2.4 76 2.6 68 2.9 65 2.9 72 2.9 65 3.2
Somalia 2023 137 2 139 1.5 132 1.9 111 2.4 139 1.8 136 1.8 133 2.3
South Africa 2023 19 3.7 31 3.3 30 3.6 14 3.6 20 3.8 23 3.8 25 3.8
Spain 2023 13 3.9 20 3.6 19 3.8 8 3.7 14 3.9 11 4.1 4 4.2
Sri Lanka 2023 73 2.8 84 2.5 89 2.4 75 2.8 81 2.7 65 3 59 3.3
Sudan 2023 115 2.4 120 2.1 108 2.3 111 2.4 110 2.4 117 2.3 109 2.7
Sweden 2023 7 4 4 4 5 4.2 26 3.4 3 4.2 11 4.1 4 4.2
Switzerland 2023 3 4.1 2 4.1 2 4.4 14 3.6 2 4.3 3 4.2 4 4.2
Syrian Arab Republic 2023 123 2.3 110 2.2 118 2.2 121 2.3 126 2.2 117 2.3 124 2.5
Taiwan, China 2023 13 3.9 22 3.5 19 3.8 8 3.7 14 3.9 3 4.2 4 4.2
Tajikistan 2023 97 2.5 110 2.2 80 2.5 102 2.5 76 2.8 134 2 93 2.9
Thailand 2023 34 3.5 31 3.3 25 3.7 22 3.5 38 3.5 34 3.6 46 3.5
Togo 2023 97 2.5 101 2.3 108 2.3 57 3 110 2.4 117 2.3 101 2.8
Trinidad and Tobago 2023 97 2.5 110 2.2 89 2.4 102 2.5 110 2.4 98 2.5 93 2.9
Turkiye 2023 38 3.4 47 3 43 3.4 26 3.4 38 3.5 37 3.5 35 3.6
Ukraine 2023 79 2.7 90 2.4 89 2.4 75 2.8 92 2.6 94 2.6 76 3.1
United Arab Emirates 2023 7 4 14 3.7 9 4.1 4 3.8 11 4 11 4.1 4 4.2
United Kingdom 2023 19 3.7 22 3.5 25 3.7 22 3.5 28 3.7 16 4 30 3.7
United States 2023 17 3.8 14 3.7 16 3.9 26 3.4 14 3.9 3 4.2 25 3.8
Uruguay 2023 61 3 56 2.9 68 2.7 85 2.7 57 3.1 49 3.3 65 3.2
Uzbekistan 2023 88 2.6 74 2.6 89 2.4 91 2.6 92 2.6 105 2.4 101 2.8
Venezuela, RB 2023 123 2.3 120 2.1 89 2.4 135 2 103 2.5 117 2.3 124 2.5
Vietnam 2023 43 3.3 43 3.1 47 3.2 38 3.3 53 3.2 41 3.4 59 3.3
Yemen, Rep. 2023 132 2.2 137 1.7 132 1.9 139 1.7 92 2.6 117 2.3 101 2.8
Zimbabwe 2023 97 2.5 110 2.2 89 2.4 102 2.5 119 2.3 87 2.7 101 2.8
Country Year LPI Rank LPI Score Customs Rank Customs Score Infrastructure Rank Infrastructure Score International shipments Rank International shipments Score Logistics competence Rank Logistics competence Score Tracking & tracing Rank Tracking & tracing Score Timeliness Rank Timeliness Score